Shop Insurance

Shop Insurance

Affordable Shop Insurance Covers

A comprehensive shop insurance policy safeguards shops from losses due to damage, covering structures, contents, and financial losses from incidents like fire, earthquake, flood, riot, fraud, and burglary.

Financial Protection

Offers financial protection by providing a lump sum payment in the event of accidental death or specified injuries.


Offers benefits for the loss of limbs or other body parts due to an accident, providing additional financial support.

Flexible Payouts

Allowing for lump sum payments or periodic income, ensuring financial assistance aligns with specific needs.

Why is shop insurance important?

Shop insurance is indispensable for shopkeepers and traders, offering a comprehensive shield against a spectrum of risks. This insurance policy extends coverage to vital aspects such as building, contents, money, pedal cycles, plate glass, signs, baggage, personal accident, fidelity guarantee, liability, and business interruption. Clients have the flexibility to choose two additional sections based on their unique requirements.

Designed to cater to the diverse needs of shop owners, this insurance is particularly beneficial for those operating in retail chains, shopping arcades, shops/showrooms. It offers a tailored approach, allowing businesses to customize their coverage and safeguard against potential financial setbacks due to theft, accidents, or disruptions to business operations.

What risks does shop insurance cover?

Fire: Protection against loss or damage to buildings and contents from fire, lightning, strike, riot, storm, cyclone, flood, etc.
Burglary: Coverage for loss or damage caused by burglary or attempted burglary to shop contents.
Money (Safe & Transit): Safeguarding against loss of money during burglary in a safe place or transit from shop to bank/atm and vice versa.
Fidelity: Financial protection from losses due to fraud or dishonest acts by salaried employees.
Cheque Forgery: Coverage for losses due to forgery or material alteration of cheques, drafts, or negotiable instruments.
Personal Accident: Protection for bodily injuries leading to death or permanent disability, including ambulance charges and carriage of dead bodies.

Why choose us for your shop insurance policy?

Choosing our shopkeeper’s policy ensures robust protection for small and medium-sized shop owners, safeguarding their livelihood and assets. Here’s why you should choose us:

Covers both the structure and contents of the shop
Additional coverage for accidental injury or death of employees
Tailored coverage based on their specific needs and affordability
Additional discounts for wider coverage
Hassle-free issuance with an easy proposal form
Shop insurance typically covers property damage, liability for customer injuries, business interruption, employee theft, and even online risks. It ensures your business is financially protected from common threats like natural disasters, theft, and lawsuits.
Liability insurance is crucial because it protects your business from legal claims related to injuries or damages sustained by customers or third parties on your premises. Without this coverage, a lawsuit could lead to significant financial losses.
Business interruption insurance covers lost income when your shop can’t operate due to disasters or repairs. It ensures you can stay afloat financially during downtime, helping cover expenses like rent, payroll, and utilities.
Yes, many shop insurance policies offer cyber liability coverage, which protects retailers from risks like data breaches, cyber-attacks, and online fraud, ensuring your business is safe both online and offline.

Start or Track a Claim

Reach out to our claim experts for information on how to initiate a claim and the necessary details.

Still have you any problem for solutions?

We’re glad to discuss your policy requirements. Our branches are in Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, and Bhubaneswar. So don’t hesitate to contact us via the details below, or enter your request.

Our office address:

Viswakarma, 86C, Topsia, Kolkata

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