Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance

Buy Best Life Insurance Plans

Term insurance offers coverage for a defined period, providing financial support to the nominee if the insured passes away during the term. This policy ensures high life cover with affordable premiums.

Return of Premium Amount

Get back all the premiums paid in case of survival until maturity.

Comprehensive Protection

Obtain protection against accidental death, disability, and critical illnesses.

Increased Financial Coverage

Increase coverage amount during major life events.

Why is life insurance important?

Life insurance holds paramount importance as it serves as a crucial safeguard for the financial well-being of your loved ones. A term insurance plan, offering substantial life cover at a lower premium, provides a safety net against life’s uncertainties. In the unfortunate event of the policyholder’s demise, the nominated beneficiaries receive the predetermined sum assured, ensuring financial support during challenging times.

Life insurance is essential for individuals across various life stages and circumstances. Young professionals entering the workforce can benefit from lower premiums, ensuring extensive financial coverage without compromising on other expenses. Newlyweds and working parents with increased financial responsibilities find joint coverage beneficial, managing various aspects like home loans and childcare.

What risks does life insurance cover?

Financial Security: Life insurance provides financial security to your beneficiaries, ensuring they receive a sum assured in the event of your untimely demise, serving as income replacement for day-to-day expenses.
Wealth Creation: Certain life insurance plans allow you to invest and grow your money, offering a means to stay financially prepared for future needs. Life insurance can provide attractive returns and additional income.
Tax Benefits: Life insurance plans come with multiple tax benefits. Premiums paid towards a life insurance plan are deductible up to ₹1.5 lakh annually under Section 80C, and the maturity benefits are tax-free, subject to conditions outlined in Section 10(10D) of The Income Tax Act, 1961.

Why choose us for your life insurance?

Choosing us for your life insurance policy offers a range of benefits for your financial security and long-term planning. Here’s why you should opt for our life insurance plans:

Affordable premiums matches your requirements
Extended coverage options
We ensure your family's financial security
Flexible payouts options
Accelerated payout for terminal illness
Additional protection covers and lower premiums
Term-life insurance is distinct as it provides coverage for a specified term, offering pure life protection without cash value. Unlike other life insurance types, it does not accumulate a savings component.
Yes, term-life insurance policies in India often allow customization. You can choose the coverage amount (sum assured) and the duration of the policy based on your specific needs and financial goals.
If you outlive the policy term, there is no maturity benefit in a traditional term-life insurance policy. However, some policies may offer a return of premium option where the premiums paid are returned if the policyholder survives the term.
While many insurers require a medical examination, there are term-life insurance policies available without a medical test, particularly for smaller coverage amounts. The need for a medical test depends on factors such as age, coverage amount, and the insurer's policy terms.

Start or Track a Claim

Reach out to our claim experts for information on how to initiate a claim and the necessary details.

Still have you any problem for solutions?

We’re glad to discuss your policy requirements. Our branches are in Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, and Bhubaneswar. So don’t hesitate to contact us via the details below, or enter your request.

Our office address:

Viswakarma, 86C, Topsia, Kolkata

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