About Us

About us

Your New Age Insurance Broker

Our Vision Mission
To be the preferred Insurance Broker in India
To deliver customer delight by exceeding expectations
To build long-lasting relationships through trust and transparency
To empower clients with the right insurance choices for their protection

Srei Insurance Broking Pvt Ltd (SIBPL), a fully-owned subsidiary of Srei Infrastructure Finance Limited (SIFL) is a Composite (Life, General, and Reinsurance) Insurance Broking Company licensed by the Insurance Regulatory Development Authority of India (IRDAI). 

The company started its operations in 2002. With over two decades of experience, SIBPL has earned a reputation for delivering reliable and expert insurance services. It offers a wide range of services, including risk consulting, insurance brokerage, claims management, and advocacy, making it a key player in the Indian insurance broking sector. The company is running on the latest digital platform to cater to the end-to-end insurance needs of our B2B and B2C customers. The Digital Platform is device agnostic which makes it simple and user-friendly for customers.

The company has a team of experienced insurance professionals who can help customers choose need-based insurance products at competitive rates. A dedicated team handles policy servicing and claims assistance through telephone lines and emails. We endeavor to provide top-class insurance broking services across India.

Our Backbone

Our Management

At the heart of our organization’s triumph stands our exceptional management team. Their strategic vision, leadership prowess, and unwavering dedication are the driving forces behind our unparalleled success.

Mr. Bhupendra Sharma

Business Head & Principal Officer

Mr. Gajendra Kumar Singh

Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)