
Raise a claim in simple and easy steps

Our priority is to simplify your claims initiation and make the process and documentation as straightforward as possible.

Step 1: Provide Details

Share detailed information about the incident to initiate your claim process at the earliest.

Step 2: Submit Documents

Arrange and submit all required documents as per instructions for efficient claim processing.

Step 3: Claim Initiation

Sit back and relax while our experts take the lead in initiating your claim settlement.

Settled claims since our inception

In times of your utmost need, rest assured that we are readily available for you, ensuring prompt assistance with the guarantee of claims being processed and granted within a short period.

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Claims successfully settled

Please contact our claim experts now.
Learn more
Raise a Claim

Initiate Your Claim Journey Now

Take the first step to file your claim by providing the details below. Once submitted, one of our claim experts will contact you within the next 24 hours to begin the process.

    Our office address:

    Corporate/ Registered Office
    Viswakarma, 86C, Topsia, Kolkata

    Kolkata Branch Office
    Srei Tower, EP Block, Salt Lake, Kolkata

    Office Timings
    Mon to Fri (Other than holidays): 10 to 6 PM
    Saturdays (1st and 3rd working): 10 to 3 PM

    Mail us:

    Contact Us:


    Available Timings
    Mon to Fri: 10 to 6 PM
    Saturdays: 10 to 3 PM
    (1st and 3rd only)

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)