Health Insurance

Health Insurance

No compromise on your health!

Select a health cover that aligns with your medical priorities, ensuring coverage for essential services and treatments that matter most to you. This thoughtful approach ensures that your healthcare plan is tailored to your well-being.

For Individuals

Individual plans designed to assist you in avoiding medical debt while promoting a healthy lifestyle.

For Your Family

Prioritize your well-being, aiming to prevent medical debt and promote a healthy lifestyle for your entire family.

For Senior Citizens

Designed to prevent medical debt for senior citizens to achieve a secure and supportive lifestyle.

Why is health insurance important?

Health insurance holds immense importance in India, given the rising expenses in medical care. It serves as a crucial financial safeguard, protecting individuals from the unexpected economic burden of healthcare costs. With a strong health insurance policy, individuals can access high-quality healthcare without exhausting their savings.

This ensures prompt and adequate treatment, alleviating the financial stress linked to hospitalizations, surgeries, and medical procedures. In a nation witnessing a surge in healthcare costs, health insurance instills a sense of security, empowering individuals to prioritize their well-being without the anxiety of financial strain.

What risks does health insurance cover?

Hospitalization Coverage: Health insurance typically includes expenses related to hospitalization, encompassing room charges, nursing expenses, and operation theater costs.
Pre and Post-Hospitalization Benefits: Many policies extend coverage to medical expenses incurred before and after hospital stays, covering diagnostic tests, consultations, and medications.
Critical Illness Protection: Many health insurance plans offer coverage for specified critical illnesses, ensuring financial support during challenging health circumstances.
Preventive Healthcare Support: Some policies include coverage for preventive healthcare measures, such as vaccinations and health check-ups, promoting a proactive approach to well-being.
Ambulance Service Inclusion: Health insurance often covers ambulance services, providing financial assistance for emergency transportation to the hospital.
Day Care Procedure Reimbursement: Specific health insurance plans cover costs for day-care procedures that don't require prolonged hospitalization but are crucial for treatment.

Why choose us for your health insurance?

As an insurance brokerage firm, we are a trusted ally in a nation where well-being is synonymous with prosperity.

Budget-Friendly, Custom Plans
No jargon or complications
Hassle-free process
Health insurance without paperwork delays
Quick settlements and exceptional service
Absolutely! Acquiring a health insurance policy is crucial as healthcare costs in the country can be substantial. It acts as a financial shield during emergencies, offering immediate treatment without depleting your savings.
Yes, it's possible. The IRDAI allows policyholders to transfer health insurance from one provider to another while retaining benefits like waiting periods and no-claim bonuses. Follow the portability procedure, submit required documents, and inform your current insurer within the stipulated period.
Ideally, the best health insurance plan should have no waiting period, providing coverage from day one.
You pay 0% of the claim amount due to the zero deductions at claims feature. No out-of-pocket expenses apply, provided you comply with the applicable terms and conditions.

Start or Track a Claim

Reach out to our claim experts for information on how to initiate a claim and the necessary details.

Still have you any problem for solutions?

We’re glad to discuss your policy requirements. Our branches are in Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, and Bhubaneswar. So don’t hesitate to contact us via the details below, or enter your request.

Our office address:

Viswakarma, 86C, Topsia, Kolkata

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