Private Car

Motor Insurance

Right Insurance For You Safety!

A motor package policy shields the insured vehicle from accident and natural disaster damages. It not only covers own vehicle damage but also includes mandatory third-party liability coverage.

Get Policy In
3 Easy Steps

Obtain your insurance policy effortlessly with our simplified 3-step process.

Zero Depreciation Cover

Benefit from a Zero Depreciation Cover, ensuring comprehensive protection for your vehicle.

High Claim Settlement Ratio

Experience a high level of reliability with our impressive 98% claim settlement ratio.

Why is motor insurance important?

In India, motor insurance is indispensable given the unpredictable road scenarios and the growing vehicular population. It acts as a crucial financial safeguard, shielding vehicle owners from the economic impact of accidents, theft, or damages.

With diverse traffic conditions prevalent, motor insurance provides a safety net, allowing individuals to manage repair and medical expenses without overwhelming financial burdens. Additionally, its legal mandate underscores its importance, promoting responsible driving behavior and ensuring protection for both individuals and third parties in the face of unforeseen accidents.

What risks does motor insurance cover?

Accident Coverage: Motor insurance in India typically covers expenses related to accidents, including vehicle repair costs and medical expenses for injuries sustained in the accident.
Third-Party Liability: Motor insurance provides coverage for liabilities arising from third-party bodily injury or property damage caused by the insured vehicle.
Personal Accident Cover: Some motor insurance plans include personal accident cover, providing compensation for injuries or fatalities suffered by the policyholder or occupants of the insured vehicle.
Man-Made Calamities: Motor insurance policies may cover damage caused by man-made events like riots, strikes, or acts of terrorism, offering financial support for repairs.
Natural Calamities: Comprehensive motor insurance often includes protection against natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and cyclones, covering damage to the insured vehicle.
Theft Protection: In the event of vehicle theft, motor insurance policies offer coverage for the loss, providing financial compensation to the policyholder.

Why choose us for your motor insurance?

When choosing our insurance broking firm for your motor insurance policy, you benefit from our commitment, transparency, and integrity. Here are five compelling reasons to consider us for motor insurance:

Promise of Commitment
High Claim Settlement Ratio
Performance-Driven Approach
Customer-Centric Services
Proven Track Record
Yes, it is mandatory to have at least third-party motor insurance as per the Motor Vehicles Act in India. This insurance covers liabilities arising from third-party injury or damage caused by your vehicle.
A comprehensive motor insurance policy in India covers not only third-party liabilities but also provides coverage for damage to your vehicle. It includes protection against theft, natural disasters, accidents, and personal accident cover for the owner-driver.
Yes, you can transfer the motor insurance policy to the new owner when selling your vehicle. It involves submitting the necessary documents to the insurance company for the transfer of ownership and coverage.
The No Claim Bonus is a reward for not making any claims during the policy period. It results in a discount on the premium when renewing the policy. The NCB can accumulate over consecutive claim-free years, providing significant savings on premiums.

Start or Track a Claim

Reach out to our claim experts for information on how to initiate a claim and the necessary details.

Still have you any problem for solutions?

We’re glad to discuss your policy requirements. Our branches are in Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, and Bhubaneswar. So don’t hesitate to contact us via the details below, or enter your request.

Our office address:

Viswakarma, 86C, Topsia, Kolkata

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